Sunday, August 31, 2008

Clustering Decision

I had a chat with one of the programmers on Thursday last week & they were saying that the torque engine could be run on a Linux OS using OpenGL [ I think], but it would be not up to standard, so we are going with Windows Server 2003 Enterprise.
Windows 2008 Server in very heavy in the use of hardware so we are not going with this OS.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am looking into setting up a cluster using Fedora 9. The OS comes with an option to set one up in its configuration.
I will let you know of any luck with this.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have made a document just drafting the GUI layout. It's only a draft for the demo we are creating. It will have three splash screens, first one will be the West Coast Tafe logo, the second will display the Torgue Game Engine Advanced logo and the last will be the menu which has the Mini-Tanks heading with a picture of a tank and the buttons which will allow you to start the game, join multiplayer, go into options, have a read about mini-tanks and also a quit game button.

(Dhiren Adatia)...Dizzy

Milestone Approaching

The date of the First project milestone is 10:30am, 23rd of september 2008. Make a note in your diaries and pay attention as a location will be announced before then.

I'll let the guys talk about what goals they are aiming for for the milestone. Make it in your calander and come by and take a look.

Terrain, The First Milestone and Game Structure

We have random terrain being generated at the start of a mission, although it only uses the simplest methods of the Terraformer since there appears to be no information on how to format the variable information when using multiple terraforming methods. This isn't really a problem though as there is very little noticable difference when the extra methods are used to terraform the terrain.
Placing objects on the map such as bases, foliage, rocks, etc. is my next task. Placing non-interactive objects should be easily assomplished using the shape replicator and using a suggestion from Jordan bases and other interactive objects will be placed at markers scattered around the map.

The First Milestone
The generation of random terrain at mission start has been my primary goal for the first milestone. Since this has been achieved I can focus on attempting to place objects on the and to texture the terrain appropriately. I will approach the remaining tasks for the random generation of maps by firstly dealing with texturing the terrain, then placing static shapes, and finally placing interactive shapes.

Game Structure
We've decided that levels will be run on the server and at mission start a new terrain with objects will be created. This means that several copies of Torque will have to run on the server as the multiplayer host for each level we are running. These copies should be suitably customised for there purpose so as to not waste resources on the server.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I have decided just to go with Windows Server 03 Enterprise for the clustering, as server 08 requires to much resources which we simply do not have due to the increase in the number of servers needed.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Terraformer Script

I've managed to run the Terraformer tool through script, meaning now we have a method to generate terrain when a mission loads. So now I just need to provide random values for the variables that musst be passed.

Terrain Modelling

Here are some renders of the Desert Terrain pack (Untextured).


This is how our network diagram is looking so far. If anyone has any comments or corrections please let me know your ideas.

Maximus 2009

We now have two tanks made... Well when I say we I mean me... Ok Tim Helped a little... a lot...

Tim now has two tanks made, I helped by adding a grunt, snort and cough of encouragement every so often.

And really there are three tanks if you count my super hovering box of doom and of course you would; so we have three tanks! Hooray!

The next step is to get these bad boys ready to export. I may have renders ready for the models, but that greatly depends on how much I want to see screenshots in game.

Oh and we have upgraded to Max 2009, some neat new features from 9 that can be seen at a glance so most likely many more.


Through analysis of the functions run by Torque's built-in terraformer tool I have found a way in which settings for random terrain generation may be passed. In an annoying twist variables must be passed in a different format than normal, meaning whilst I can pass values in I cannot yet pass them in them in a format that does not result in errors and does what we want it to.

More on upgrades

I have added more to the interface and upgrades documentation.

I have made a small table of the tanks and how the points system are. This is only a rough table as the documentation isn't finished yet. The final ratings/points system will be updated towards the end of the project once the game is completed.

small outline of the points system...

When the tanks accomplish their missions, their ratings will then increase above 10 giving them a higher advantage in the game. Winning the medals and working their way up to the highest will increase the tanks ammo, speed, manoeuvre, and damage levels.


We seem to have got the cluster to work with vmware server and windows server 03 enterprise. We still need to do some testing to make 100% sure its doing wat it is supposed to do. We are also going to experiment with Window Server 08 enterprise. The documentation should now be able to start being done and research on which applications that need to be installed on the server.

Minitanks Art

I've started turning my sketches into low poly models, for the terrain and plants. My big problem is probably the level of detail to work at. I'd like to keep it really low poly to get the fun, fast and furious gameplay happening, but i dont want to compromise the design

Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh the pain! Oh the humanity!

Hi Everyone,

Letting you know that I am bed bound with a head cold, but will try to make it a little later today.

I've spent the last week looking at how random terrain can be generated in Torque and it appears it can be done either with the C++ engine code or through Torque Script.
Generating the terrain through C++ is a more efficient method, however it would require more time than we have to implement the code in a manner that does not cause fatal errors in the engine.
Torque Script on the other hand is less efficient but may be implemented in usable form with little likelihood of fatal errors occurring. There is also the added benefit of providing access to the Torque Terrain Editor’s random terrain generation system.
As such I will attempt to implement random terrain generation through Torque Script. Hopefully this will be an easy task, thus allowing more time to focus on the more difficult aspect of generating passable terrain with level areas for the placement of bases.


an extra bit of terrain.

Tank Designs & Desert Terrain Details

Hi - a bit of drawing being done for the first two tanks and the desert terrain set.
We aim to get the one terrain set working and at least 4 tanks and 4 weapons.

The Games Crew will spend time developing the gameplay balance.
Look out for future posts.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Starting the webpage

Looks like I might be waiting a while before I can start coding the PHP backend of the site, so I may have to start with the graphics side of it. I guess I'll have to use photoshop for that, or maybe GIMP if I'm adventurous.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Clustering -

The sites that supposed to have had a way in adding additional nodes in vmware has go

so at this point it doesn't look like is possible to have a 4 node cluster

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Clustering In The Unknown

I Think iv found a good website that might help us setup 4 nodes with vmware.

I shell atempt it over the weekend.


Just a quick update with the clustering. It seems clustering is possible with Virtual Server 2005 but it will only allow two nodes as it only has 2 SCSI channels. I will continue trying to figure out a way to get this done virtually as to do it physicall would prove rather costly.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Things that make you go... BOOOM!

Will start work on weapons tonight so stay tuned for some shiny renders of explosive goodness.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Hover Tank Render

Hi All,

Just got a basic low polly render for our hover tank base.



if we have linux sever conected to the the cluster then we can use one of two monitoring programs Nagios or Webmin and promgram to have access at all time from any computer
is log me in .

So far.....

I have started a documentation on the interface and upgrades looking at various websites. It includes details about the health bar and useability. The Documentation has a few images of
different health bars which can be used.

There will be more added to the documentation....

Here is a copy of the draft Game Concept document.

Game Concept
Mini Tanks is a third person vehicle combat game for the PC that uses the powerful Torque Game Engine Advanced to allow players to battle it out in different ways in an open environment using cartoon tanks.

Mini Tanks features a variety of multiplayer game types similar to those found in games like Halo, Unreal Tournament 2003, & Battlefield 2 with Mario Cart type vehicle combat. Mini Tanks is built using the latest version of the powerful and flexible Torque Game Engine Advanced which has produced games such as Think Tanks, Minigolf Mania, and Marble Blast Gold.

Playing Mini Tanks you start out by choosing the default heavy tank from the built-in tanks. Selecting the deathmatch map you and your team set out from your base towards the enemy with the intent of destroying all members on the opposing team.
As you move across the battlefield power-ups parachute in from planes flying overhead. Collecting a speed power-up you head towards the enemy base in order to wipe them out. Suddenly a group of 3 enemies appear on your radar, they must have been using a jamming power-up. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to go off on your own. Running isn’t an option they’re using light tanks and are much quicker than you are; time to fight.
Picking the lead enemy you fire your heavy canon. Direct hit the lead enemy has taken heavy damage and the explosion caused by your projectile has caused light damage to the other two enemies. No time to relax though they’re in firing range and have split up. Their light guns aren’t doing much damage per hit but their high rate of fire from three enemies is quickly chipping away at your health. Backing up you fire a second shot destroying the heavily damaged enemy, half your health is gone, and you’re moving slower all the time. You might not survive this fight.
Taking cover behind a rock formation you briefly avoid taking fire from one of the enemies as you line up the other enemy and fire another shot. NO, you’ve missed and the second enemy is back raining fire down upon you. It looks like your not making it out of here, time to go down in a blaze of glory.
Charging forward you ram one tank while firing another shot at the other. Now it’s one-on-one but you’re almost out of health, you can barely move so ramming your nimble opponent is out of the question, and your heavy canon won’t reload in time.
Suddenly a missile streaks past you headed straight for the enemy. The enemy tank dodges sideways but the missile matches the movement and collides in a spectacular explosion that completely destroys the enemy.
You’ve been saved. Turning around you see a group of your allies headed past your position. You offer your thanks before limping back to base for repairs.

Key Features
• Exciting multiplayer vehicular combat: Fun combat between cartoonish tanks with surprising depth.
• A variety of game types -
o Deathmatch: Players fight it out to the last tank standing.
o Team Deathmatch: Teams of players battle to be the last team alive.
o Capture the flag: Players battle in teams to capture a flag and return it to their base.
o Take and hold: Player teams battle to take over and hold on to a base.
o Combat racing: Players race and fight to be the fastest around a track.
o Assault: Players attempt to hold onto their base or take the enemies base.
• Randomly generated terrain: Before each battle begins the map terrain is randomly generated.
• Player created guilds: Players can band together to form their own group
• Exciting unlockables: Players earn points for winning games and kills scored, which can be used to unlock new tank parts.
• Awards: By achieving certain goals players can receive awards such as medals and special tank parts.

Vehicular combat.

Primarily Mini Tanks will target the PC but if time allows a port of the game to Xbox 360 will be attempted. Mini Tanks is a multiplayer only game so a network connection (e.g. internet) will be essential.


A minor set back with the clustering, iSCSI is reqiured to create a Quorum Disk for virtual machine clustering. Unfortionatly, VPC and VMware does not support this. I will however be trying out Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 on a machine that is not connected to a domain. My finds will be posted shortly.

ramdom post

testing the blogger

Threeee Deeee!

Hi folks,

We just finalized our roles and I'll be working on the Tank and Item models.

I'll try to get some pics of the concept art for your viewing pleasure.


Interface and upgrades

I will be working on interface and upgrades for our mini tanks game. Researching on radars, health bars, speedo's etc.
I am also making a list of reference used through-out the project.

I will post websites found which I may use during this project.

Dhiren Adatia :D


"I See!" Said the Blind man to the Deff Dog sitting in the Corner of the Round Room.


I are Lee, and I'm gonna be doing the website, as well other things including MySQL, and other web based stuffs. Yay.

Game Maps Outline

I was going to post a screenshot of the Torque Game Engine we are planning to use, but Blogger keeps having an internal error when I try to upload the image.

Anyway I'm apparently in charge of the maps, which includes randomly generated terrain, obstacles (rocks and trees, I guess), and the bases.
The randomly generated terrain is likely to be the most time consuming task. In particular ensuring that bases and players are not spawned in positions they can not esacpe from (e.g. in a pit).
If time becomes a problem the supplied objects in Torque and the available content packs may be used for obstacles, and models I've made in the past may be used for the bases.



I'm Jordan I'm one of the programmers working on Mini-Tanks.

Look forward to writeing all the hillarious and awsome blogs that you are all going to enjoy reading :D


Hello and Welcome

This is the Production Diary for the West Coast Tafe Collaborative Project currently entitled Mini-Tanks.