Sunday, November 30, 2008

Update on GUI

Most of the GUI has been done.

The gui now has the "character Select GUI", there the players can pick what body and turret they want. The "Team select GUI" has also been done.

So players can pick what colour they want to choose, then they will be spawned at their base.

Just saying thanks to Brett for the help. THANKS! :D

I am now working on my presentation for wednesday.


Saturday, November 29, 2008


I had some free time so I added a HUD, I think I remember Tim making one but I don't where that is. The HUD does not work yet, I plan to do that tomorrow when the programming side of the team meet to practice our speech.

Also, I have an older version of the game so the sky box is actually a different image thanks to Tim and Brett.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The End is Nigh

Tomorrow (Wed 26/11/08) we have our practice run, and next week is the Final Presentation. On the Programming side we still need to finalise our documentation and merge the changes we've each made into the final build. We haven't even started on the actual presentation itself.

Since my last post I've continued working on the documentation, started a Microsoft Office Project document, implemented Matt's changes he posted here, fixed the mounting of a player in a tank, and fixed the pink screen of death.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Counting the Chickens

We attempted loading another DirectX to avoid the runtime error we were having when the .bat file loads up, but with no luck, it would not load at all.

After going back to the original form of the cluster, we tried a script with the runtime error line commented out, no luck, it error still appeared.

Still waiting to count those chickens....

Running Cluster

We got a two node cluster running with the minitanks game with about 7 players. There is just one error we are trying to fix so that the cluster runs smoothly without intervention.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No news is good news!

No news to report here captain. Just done some documentation work today, and pretty much completed my slideshow presentation.


Hey guys, I can't make it in today but I've compiled my changes into a text file in case you want to add them to the demo.

  • Fix: Terrain alignment issues
  • Added: Bases
  • Added: Player controlled tank (node 0 still needs to be moved)
I'll be in tomorrow so if you want me stay behind to do anything that's fine.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Exciting News

We have finally got the .bat file loading fully in the Vm-Ware cluster. We have had it running a couple of times, ( & made backups), but have not try it with the game running on a number of clients.

Hopefully come Wednesday, everyone will be blowing each other up, but until we see it happening, I'm not going to start counting our chickens....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some Exciting News?

Hey guys, i do believe Mark and Terry have some exciting news for us. I wont steal the joy away from them and i do hope they post it.

Progress Report

Work on the programming side of the MiniTanks project continues to progress as we near Milestone 2.
Code for the bases is now ready to be implemented in the main version of the game thanks to Matt's hard work.
The team selection GUI has been refined further and now offers the functionality we desire for the end product.
Interim models have been successfully implemented in one build and mysteriously failed in another copy of the same build. Due to time constraints we do not have time to investigate the cause of the failure and as such we will use the successful build as the main version adding elements from other builds to it. The final models continue to cause great pain due to their complexity.
Documentation is moving forward with in depth Technical Documentation of the Random Terrain system being completed and some very small progress on the Game Design Documentation.

As of next week we will formally be stopping all code work to focus solely on documentation and the presentation. It is our intent to use the milestone 2 presentation as a practice run for the final presentation and as such the time between Milestone 2 and the Final Presentation will be used to refine or revise what we present at Milestone 2.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Presentation and Documentation

I have made some good progress on the presentation today and fixed up the documentation a little as i have gone through it slowly. The presentation is going to be divived between us as disscussed in class. Its up to each of us to write our own talk and add our own information for our own slides. For those who want to do work at home, theres a copy of the presentation and documentation on the shared drive. Next week we will add in the prepared stuff.


Bases have been added. Each base is represented either by a blue or red smoke effect. Positions are completely random every time the map is reloaded. It also keeps a set distance between the two points to make sure the bases don't spawn right next to each other.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This week I've continued writing the Technical Design Documentation for the Random Terrain function. Since my memory of how I developed the function and how works isn't that great I've had to figure it out by redeveloping the function. I've learnt the hard way that it would have been better to do the documentation at the same time as working on the function.
Next I hope to finish the Game Design Documentation, create the TDD for the attempt at Dynamic Terrain Texturing, create references section, create a table of contents, and finally compile all our documentation into a printed document.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Networking Documentation

I have almost completed the cluster documentation. If some of you could please go through it and make notes on what you think should be change i would be greatful. Its starting to come together nicely, i would also like to ask those of you networkers to start thinking about which topics that you would like to talk on for the presentation and maybe write in some speech note on the presentation on the shared drive. You can also find the documentation i have done so far on the shared drive.

Web Web Web

Done a bit more work on the website today. Done some PHP coding towards the ranking system on the website, and also completed some more documentation. I have pretty much achieved my goal today.

Look forward to next week...