Exactly what milestone 2 is and when it will take place have yet to be finalised. However it is known that the final presentation at the end of the semester is to be Milestone 3 and that a rough plan exists to use the two weeks before Milestone 3 as preparation time for the presentation. As such Milestone 2 should be expected sometime around the Eighteenth of November, 7 weeks into second term (assuming the presentation will take place on the Ninth of December in the second last week of semester; second last because the last week is usually reserved for catch up).
28 hours of class time minus 8 hours for planning, discussion, and other miscellaneous tasks leaves little time to achieve our goals. Before the term break the programming team assigned prioritised tasks, with estimated work time, to each member. Below is the working task list:
- Implement multiplayer - 1 hour
- Light Tank Model - 6 hours
- Light Tank Code - 3 hours
- Total: 10 hours
- Base Code 3 hours
- Power-up Code 6 hours
- Power-up Model 3 hours
- Upgrade Power-up Models 12 hours
- Refine Power-up System 12 hours
- Total: 36 hours
- Implement Multilayer 1 hour
- HUD Graphics 6 hours
- HUD code 6 hours
- Total: 13 hours
- Base spawning code 12 hours
- Scoring 12 hours
- Total: 24 hours
As seen above the time for assigned work is not completely balanced, however it is important to note that the estimations for the time required for most tasks was made optimistically and it there was an unspoken agreement to not place too much on the schedules of all members so as to allow those members to be able to deal with unexpected issues that may arise. Already since this plan was created a previously overlooked task has arisen; this task being the loading and saving of player data from an external database. Alternately it is notable that some of the above tasks are complete or nearing completion.
At the commencement of the new term it would be advisable to have a meeting involving the entire class in order to restate our goals, refine the tasks required to reach them, and give members a better understanding of what others are doing and how that may relate to their own work.